Station map


Stations list

Station no Available bikes Coordinates Racks count Numers of available bikes
8501 4 53.130542, 23.15521 16 85133, 85660, 85495, 85407
8502 3 53.132135, 23.159498 28 85531, 85266, 85943
8503 5 53.135314, 23.163227 25 85109, 85738, 85406, 85287, 85952
8504 5 53.133052, 23.167318 15 85451, 85429, 85377, 85305, 85941
8505 8 53.127805, 23.174805 16 85641, 85634, 85460, 85357, 85271, 85244, 85604, 85810
8506 17 53.128667, 23.16868 18 85654, 85611, 85567, 85556, 85515, 85492, 85471, 85435, 85433, 85419, 85416, 85404, 85339, 85338, 85237, 85976, 85954
8507 8 53.126604, 23.161261 14 85746, 85703, 85617, 85513, 85420, 85312, 85603, 85949
8508 7 53.123703, 23.148199 20 85625, 85591, 85422, 85361, 85816, 85804, 85969
8509 2 53.135086, 23.146771 16 85986, 85971
8510 6 53.119347, 23.155999 20 85661, 85648, 85578, 85504, 85375, 85230
8511 19 53.117192, 23.144055 18 85145, 85110, 85743, 85688, 85640, 85638, 85613, 85612, 85571, 85521, 85506, 85395, 85390, 85386, 85347, 85294, 85269, 85207, 85914
8512 10 53.112737, 23.146812 16 85713, 85691, 85545, 85525, 85428, 85315, 85261, 85258, 85217, 85821
8513 9 53.10728, 23.125372 16 85150, 85736, 85631, 85523, 85517, 85468, 85413, 85408, 85351
8514 20 53.131517, 23.139404 18 85137, 85108, 85698, 85646, 85615, 85587, 85584, 85520, 85499, 85481, 85446, 85431, 85405, 85383, 85327, 85236, 85215, 85823, 85809, 85940
8515 9 53.13256, 23.100586 14 85121, 85733, 85726, 85544, 85224, 85204, 85605, 85989, 85980
8516 12 53.122432, 23.098051 16 85550, 85484, 85449, 85444, 85414, 85391, 85382, 85380, 85364, 85342, 85324, 85262
8517 17 53.13504, 23.134587 15 85720, 85704, 85701, 85696, 85635, 85600, 85596, 85559, 85538, 85527, 85427, 85316, 85248, 85208, 85913, 85908, 85902
8518 7 53.137421, 23.121868 14 85659, 85341, 85326, 85277, 85802, 85912, 85911
8519 8 53.144162, 23.106138 14 85107, 85732, 85565, 85540, 85387, 85368, 85359, 85205
8520 12 53.150589, 23.085255 15 85139, 85128, 85111, 85104, 85636, 85597, 85548, 85317, 85265, 85803, 85988, 85972
8521 8 53.14477, 23.151042 16 85102, 85554, 85465, 85370, 85293, 85286, 85820, 85814
8522 10 53.144387, 23.132968 15 85144, 85135, 85719, 85695, 85434, 85409, 85308, 85203, 85933, 85958
8523 11 53.151189, 23.123261 16 85123, 85594, 85487, 85436, 85349, 85284, 85268, 85211, 85812, 85931, 85987
8524 9 53.140511, 23.172688 16 85592, 85572, 85568, 85512, 85501, 85497, 85366, 85239, 85963
8525 6 53.161456, 23.200277 10 85138, 85474, 85461, 85219, 85210, 85981
8526 21 53.13297, 23.192825 16 85143, 85140, 85728, 85707, 85694, 85656, 85624, 85610, 85588, 85585, 85582, 85574, 85516, 85489, 85448, 85439, 85423, 85412, 85292, 85280, 85251
8527 7 53.147769, 23.212344 10 85652, 85539, 85514, 85491, 85426, 85229, 85974
8528 16 53.125519, 23.181703 15 85630, 85628, 85598, 85583, 85518, 85476, 85356, 85344, 85285, 85250, 85201, 85607, 85819, 85939, 85932, 85967
8529 10 53.110204, 23.190547 12 85623, 85599, 85579, 85447, 85278, 85256, 85231, 85601, 85977, 85955
8530 9 53.122325, 23.092059 15 85131, 85735, 85566, 85558, 85553, 85498, 85321, 85264, 85260
8531 12 53.133986, 23.171908 10 85711, 85627, 85618, 85581, 85575, 85490, 85401, 85362, 85358, 85337, 85282, 85964
8532 14 53.113646, 23.130351 20 85129, 85118, 85690, 85576, 85541, 85535, 85529, 85452, 85397, 85389, 85311, 85283, 85216, 85854
8533 10 53.127307, 23.096757 15 85689, 85658, 85483, 85462, 85410, 85373, 85314, 85300, 85281, 85906
8534 10 53.129713, 23.094585 14 85740, 85705, 85633, 85593, 85532, 85480, 85259, 85214, 85901, 85968
8535 8 53.127598, 23.077127 10 85105, 85313, 85297, 85274, 85238, 85609, 85984, 85960
8536 6 53.108684, 23.152327 16 85724, 85649, 85454, 85411, 85319, 85606
8537 6 53.099974, 23.134471 14 85730, 85721, 85508, 85306, 85295, 85965
8538 6 53.109985, 23.212613 16 85125, 85737, 85549, 85511, 85318, 85973
8539 11 53.120343, 23.173921 16 85706, 85693, 85639, 85629, 85519, 85505, 85421, 85290, 85247, 85982, 85956
8540 10 53.153973, 23.105591 10 85702, 85653, 85577, 85555, 85537, 85453, 85425, 85331, 85225, 85934
8541 8 53.145997, 23.182699 18 85146, 85745, 85267, 85233, 85213, 85948, 85942
8542 9 53.124693, 23.228449 10 85450, 85402, 85399, 85388, 85353, 85228, 85223, 85221, 85953
8543 6 53.123842, 23.165255 16 85716, 85564, 85367, 85335, 85322, 85240
8544 5 53.133411, 23.153206 20 85147, 85645, 85355, 85206, 85950
8545 6 53.106346, 23.143513 14 85112, 85644, 85323, 85245, 85818, 85807
8546 9 53.128781, 23.18905 12 85106, 85650, 85500, 85482, 85417, 85348, 85302, 85907, 85946
8547 4 53.134776, 23.21124 10 85573, 85477, 85340, 85905
8548 7 53.139417, 23.106865 10 85103, 85712, 85614, 85488, 85478, 85254, 85822
8549 8 53.125384, 23.107195 14 85528, 85455, 85440, 85352, 85276, 85255, 85202, 85945
8550 6 53.148228, 23.150379 10 85699, 85626, 85557, 85522, 85432, 85218
8551 18 53.136436, 23.152271 15 85113, 85662, 85642, 85560, 85510, 85443, 85392, 85384, 85379, 85333, 85279, 85253, 85246, 85234, 85947, 85937, 85970, 85959
8552 10 53.12202, 23.200271 12 85742, 85714, 85622, 85590, 85503, 85467, 85459, 85289, 85602, 85909
8553 13 53.141893, 23.221222 15 85101, 85727, 85710, 85709, 85616, 85475, 85438, 85371, 85346, 85328, 85813, 85962, 85957
8554 2 53.145539, 23.113629 15 85132, 85124
8555 13 53.150764, 23.155313 14 85723, 85717, 85655, 85595, 85415, 85403, 85365, 85299, 85263, 85243, 85935, 85979, 85966
85101 9 53.142106, 22.988121 10 85149, 85136, 85116, 85734, 85725, 85620, 85507, 85502, 85472
85102 8 53.152381, 22.985472 10 85148, 85445, 85418, 85376, 85332, 85242, 85861, 85951
85103 12 53.099795, 23.123563 15 85126, 85119, 85651, 85547, 85533, 85526, 85524, 85252, 85249, 85212, 85815, 85978
85104 9 53.088815, 23.116745 15 85122, 85570, 85552, 85466, 85394, 85288, 85257, 85241, 85235
85105 8 53.20634, 23.34448 15 85457, 85381, 85354, 85296, 85232, 85904, 85944, 85990
85106 10 53.125414, 23.252681 15 85130, 85708, 85643, 85619, 85589, 85563, 85509, 85393, 85273, 85272
85107 10 53.18066, 23.18725 15 85127, 85586, 85569, 85562, 85543, 85473, 85464, 85424, 85372, 85304
85108 10 53.19618, 23.19731 15 85141, 85114, 85561, 85494, 85479, 85470, 85336, 85209, 85608, 85983
85109 10 53.20531, 23.20703 15 85115, 85700, 85697, 85542, 85441, 85400, 85374, 85363, 85309, 85961

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